Profile Photo
Sónia F. Bernardes
Departamento de Psicologia Social e das Organizações
Gabinete AA1.10
Cacifo 107-B
Telefone 217650215
(ext:) 220638
Áreas de Investigação
Disparidades sociais nos processos clínicos de avaliação e tratamento da dor
Dinâmicas interpessoais na dor crónica
Sexo, género e saúde/dor
Suporte social e dor crónica
Grupo de Investigação
Saúde para todos
Resumo CV
M.S. (2003) and a PhD (2008) in Social Psychology of Health (ISCTE-IUL). Associate Professor with Habilitation (Agregação) in Psychology  at the Department of Psychology of Iscte, where she started teaching in 1999. She is currently co-coordinator the multidisciplinary research group "Societal Health" of the SocioDigitalLab for Public Policies. She is the former Director of the Psychology Department, and was Vice-Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Director of the Master in Social Psychology of Health, Vice-Director of the Centre for Social Research and Intervention (CIS-IUL) and Coordinator of the Research Group Health for All (H4A). Fascinated by the (social) mind-body relations, she has dedicated much attention to such issues in her teaching and research. Her main research interests have generally revolved around social disparities in health and the role of psychosocial influences on chronic illness adaptation processes. She has mainly explored these issues in relation to a particular ... [ver mais]
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