Profile Photo
Raquel Rego
Departamento de Sociologia
Gabinete D3.33
Cacifo 301-B
Telefone 217903077
Grupo de Investigação
Desigualdades, Trabalho e Bem Estar Social
Resumo CV
I am a sociologist (Ph.D at Univ.Lille 1/Iscte-IUL, 2007), a Professor of Sociology of Work and Labour Relations at the Lisbon University Institute (Iscte-IUL), and a Researcher at CIES-Iscte, besides Associate Researcher from ICS-ULisboa and SOCIUS/CSG-ISEG-ULisboa. I have previously held the position of Researcher at SOCIUS/CSG-ISEG-ULisboa (2007-2015) and ICS-ULisboa (2015-2024), having led national projects and the Portuguese representation in European projects. I have also been a member of the team of correspondents for the European Observatory of Working Life/Eurofound and have provided consultancy services to international agencies. My work has been published in the European Journal of Industrial Relations, Transfer, Cultural Trends, and International Journal of Police Science & Management, among other journals, and I have also edited books and contributed to chapter books published by Routledge, Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, l'Harmattan and other academic presses. I enjoy combining qualitative and quantitative methods and collaborating with colleagues from other disciplines.
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