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Integrado no Ciclo Mensal de Seminários Movimentos Sociais e Ação Política, o Seminário "From past storylines to present moves: a micro-temporal approach to migrants' collective action" decorre na tarde de 10 Maio, às 17h (GMT+1) em formato híbrido.
Angela Adami (Scuola Normale Superiore)
From past storylines to present moves: a micro-temporal approach to migrants' collective action.
"I will present a part of my Ph.D. work that focuses on the analysis of political biographies of migrants who partake in collective action. The analysis proposed focuses on the ways in which certain pasts are activated and charged with a political hue in order to motivate and sustain collective action in the present. The presentation explores different time narratives - watersheds, continuities and simultaneity across space - to understand how different pasts and spheres of life play a role as triggers for mobilization. Interestingly enough, the analysis shows how the experience of migration in itself does not play a key role in motivating participation. Rather, past experiences ranging from previous political engagement in the countries of origin to occurrences related to family, friendship and community ties are prominently charged with a political meaning and perceived as the grounds upon which present forms of activation are built."