11th ESA conference "Crisis, Critique and Change"
Cycles of debate and reflection Social Work in Health
Cycles of debate and reflection Social Work on Child Protection
Human enhancement and post-humanism,
Jury Steiner - Deliberation across deeply divided societies
"Public Administration's Mission and Goals for the Achievement of the SDGs"
"Stop Border Violence" - Strategic use of European citizenship, between theories and practices
"They do what institutions should do"
10 anos de Serviço Social ISCTE – IUL
10 years of Social Work ISCTE-IUL: Sustainability, Innovation and Participation
10ª Conferência da European Sociological Association
1st Social Work International Forum - Qualified Social Work in times of Social Changing
1st debate cycle about Sustainability of social intervention practices in vulnerable communities
1ª Conferencia do Projecto Preferências Politicas e Tomada de Decisão Política
2019 IASIA Conference
25 years of participatory budget
26th World Congress of Political Science
2nd Summer School of the Portuguese Association of Political Economy
2nd cycle of debates "Sustainability of social intervention practices in vulnerable communities
2nd cycle of debates "Sustainability of social intervention practices in vulnerable communities - Housing Transformations: Housing post-COVID.
31st APDR Congress "Ecossistemas regionais de inovação e desenvolvimento sustentável"
3º Ciclo de conferências internacionais em Serviço Social, sobre o tema “Serviço Social, Teoria e Métodos”
4º Ciclo de conferências internacionais em Serviço Social, sobre o tema “Temas actuais em Serviço Social”
5th National Congress of Social Work
5th Symposium on Ethics and Social Responsibility Research-2019 - Linking Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability – challenges for science and practice
6th International Congress of Social Work
7th Annual Conference of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), University of Konstanz, Germany (12-14 June).
7th International Congress of Social Work
7º ciclo de conferências Internacionais em Serviço Social
A Formação ao Longo da Vida e Aprofundamento de Competências Científicas e Técnicas do Assistente Social
A Investigação em Serviço Social: Modelos para a Compreensão da Realidade Social
A history of HABITA: how to make an activist collective
Academic Convenor of the Conference "Analyzing Strategic Interactions in Political Decision-making" on behalf of the ECPR Standing Group on Analytical Politics and Public Choice, hosted at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, 09-11 May 2019
Academic Convenor of the conference "Advances in the Study of Parliaments" on behalf of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Konstanz, 26-28 September 2019.
Activists doing things with their words
Acção contenciosa e processo político no Portugal contemporâneo
Adaptações desafiantes aos Assistentes Sociais no combate ao COVID-19
African Radicalism: bridging the urban-rural divide
Algeria, a stifled revolution?
Anti-Politics, expertise and the (re)production of neoliberal austerity
Attitudes towards transitional justice: a global overview
Autonomy Alimentary Processes. Radicalization in austerity urban context: Madrid, Athens and Lisbon
Between quiescence and revolt: everyday practices and collective action
Beyond protest: politicized life styles and political participation
Bio-gram of precariousness
Book discussion "Grievances and Public Protests: political mobilisation in Spain in the age of austerity"
CIES Permanent seminar on Social Movements and Political Actions
Carceres, carcereiros e encarerados
Chair of the Section "Advances in Analytical Politics and Public Choice" at the ECPR General Conference in Innsbruck
Chair of the Section "Advances in Analytical Politics and Public Choice", ECPR General Conference in Hamburg
Challenges in Social Work Education
Challenges to Immigration Detention in the UK
Ciclo Internacional de Conferências em Políticas Públicas do Doutoramento em Políticas Públicas, ISCTE-IUL
Ciclo de Conferências em Ciência Política do Departamento de Ciência Política e Políticas Públicas d
Ciclo de conferências Serviço Social ISCTE - IUL
Ciclo de conferências sobre o tema “Investigação em Serviço Social”
Ciclo de seminários no âmbito do curso CET – Acolhimento em Instituição, sobre o tema “Acolhimento em Instituição de crianças e jovens: Intervenção e Mudança”
Ciclo internacional de Conferências em Políticas Públicasticas Públicas
Ciclos de protesto e democracia em Portugal. 2000-2020
Climate Futures and Just Transformations: Agency and young people's political imaginaries
Climate change and ecological transition
Co-covener of the the monthly international seminar on Social Movements and Political Action
Co-organiser of the Conference "Populism in Power and its Consequences: Politics, Policies and Polity"
Co-organiser “Habitação é Saúde” (Housing is Health), partnership Habita-HOPES, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon University Institute (November 2021).
Co-organiser, "Reflections on the Recent Spanish Elections in the European Context: a Roundtable Discussion"
Co-organiser, Crisis in European Capitalism
Co-organiser, Spain Social Movements between Past and Present (https://betweenpastandpresent.wordpress.com/).
Conference Women, Peace and Security. The gender dimension of international missions
Conference by Houchang Chehabi, Boston University – “Pluralism in Iran: competitive elections without democracy" (10 January).
Conference of the Professor Alfonso Botti, Igreja e Guerra Civil Espanhola à Luz da Nova Documentação do Arquivo Secreto Vaticano
Conferences cycle on the 25th aniversary of Sociology at UBI
Conferência Internacional A Regulação como política pública
Conferência por Paola Attolino, Universidade de Salerno - ??Tell yo mama to vote for Obama!? Rap Mus
Conferência por Theodoros Chatzipantelis, Universidade Aristóteles de Salónica ? ?Issue voting: less
Congress The Revolution of April 25 - co-organizer (with Celso Castro of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas and Fernanda Rollo of the Instituto de História Contemporânea) of the parallel sessions, held at the Theater D. Maria (23 April).
Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association (30 March – 1 April, Covilhã).
Congresso internacional de Serviço Social Digital
Contemporary Challenges to Social Movement Studies
Contesting Austerity
Convenor and chair in the painel «Democracia sob stress: Como a pandemia afectou os processos e funcionamento das instituições democráticas», Congress of the Political Science Association (30 March – 1 April, Covilhã).
Convenor and chair in the panel «Migration and nationalism in the public sphere at the global level», 26th World Congress of Political Science (10-15 Julho, Lisbon - virtual).
Convenor and chair of the panel «A agenda política dos governos: cumprimento de promessas eleitorais, responsividade e austeridade», APCP Conference – Portuguese Association of Political Science (14-16 April, Universidade de Coimbra). With Catherine Moury (Universidade Nova, Lisbon).
Convenor and chair of the panel «Citizenship, Political Engagement and Migrants Voting Rights», IPSA-ECPR joint conference Whatever Happened to North-South? (16-19 February, S. Paulo, Brazil). With Joana Azevedo (ISCTE), Marco Lisis (ICS) and Manuel Abrantes (SOCIUS-UTL).
Convenor and chair of the panel «Democracy and Representation», APCP Conference – Portuguese Association of Political Science (14-16 April, Universidade de Coimbra). With Conceição Pequito (ISCSP, Lisbon).
Convenor and chair of the panel «The Economic Crisis and Conflict Dimensions in South European Party Systems and Beyond: New Configurations or Business as Usual?» (Co-chair: Emmanouil Tsatsanis, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon).
Convenor and chair of the panel «The Political Culture in Transformation: Longitudinal and comparative analyses», WAPOR 70th Annual Conference
Convenor and chair of the panel «The consequences of the economic crisis in the attitudes towards democracy and in the dynamics of the political agenda», VIII Conference Portuguese Political Science Association (With Ricardo Rodrigues. ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon).
Convenor, chair and discussant in the panel «Partidos políticos portugueses e política: Cidadãos e instituições», 26th World Congress of Political Science (10-15 Julho, Lisbon - virtual).
Convenor, discussant and co-chair of the panel «Representation in Southern Europe: Views and performance in times of economic crisis», ECPR General Conference (chair: Pablo Õnate)
Council of European Studies – 28th International Conference of Europeanists (June 2022) at Iscte – Lisbon University Institute – member Local Organising Committee (https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/about/leadership-staff/current-committees/).
Covering 'Spontaneity'? Media-Movements relation in Austerity Portugal
Crianças Vítimas de Mau Trato
Criminalisation et répression politique en contextes
Cultural Politics, Austerity and the Political Left in the UK
Cycles of Protest and Democracy in Portugal. 2000-2020
Da 8th Annual Conference of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP)
David Silverman - Effective Writing up of a qualitative PhD
Digital transformation in Public Services
Direitos Humanos , Serviço Social e Desenvolvimento Social e Humano
Direitos Humanos e Justiça de Transição no Mundo: Mecanismos e Tendências Globais
Direitos Humanos e Serviço Social
Direitos e bem-estar da criança em comunidades sob políticas de austeridade
Discussant and co-chair of the panel «Political and Economic Context and Policy Representation: Processes and Performance» (Chair: Emmanouil Tsatsanis, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon).
Discussant in the panel «Media and Politics»
Do risco ao perigo: Inovação na intervenção com crianças, jovens e as suas famílias
Doctoral Conference Cicle and Seminars in Social Service
Don't kill my neighborhood: gentrification, turistification and social contestation in Lisbon
Don't kill my neighborhood: gentrificação, turistificação e contestação social em Lisboa
EASSW -2019 Conference of the European Association of Schools of Social Work
ECPR Summer School on Parliaments (co-organizadora), realizada no ISCTE-IUL (1-9 de Agosto).
EITM Europe Summer School 2010
ERGOMAS - XV Biennial Conference
ESPAnet Conference STREAM N.º 24: "The Achilles' heel of health care future"
Eco-village as a way to promote peace in low-intensity conflict areas
Economic Crisis and Inclusionary Populism: Evidence from Southern Europe
Emotions and climate activism: why they matter
Environmental Ethic - A new society responsibility
European Conference for Social Work Research 2018
European Funds and public policies in Portugal
European Seminar "Challenges in Social Work Training"
European Women’s Movements and Body Politics: The Struggle for Autonomy
European regime change during the Eurozone crisis: the hollowing out of trade unions' political participation in Southern Europe
Exit, voice and loyalty: Portuguese in France in 1968
Forum 2012 - 40 anos do ISCTE-IUL
Forum 2013 - Pode o Estado ser mínimo num país moderno e democrático?
Forum 2014 - Avaliar o presente e construir o futuro
Forum 2015 - Políticas públicas para o novo ciclo político
Forum 2016 - Fundamentos Constitucionais das Políticas Públicas em Portugal
Forum 2017 - Os Desafios das Políticas Fiscais
Forum 2019 - Desenvolvimento, Descentralização e Poder Local
Forum 2020 - Avaliação das Políticas Públicas
Forum das Políticas Públicas
Framing Latin America in the Spanish Peace and anti-NATO Movements during the Late Cold War, 1973-1986
Frank Fisher - Experts and citizens in policy deliberation: Understanding empirical policy analysis in social contexto
From Austerity to Pandemic: Portugal and Europe between Crises and Innovations. Panel Chair 4: Economic and Social Crises: Societal and Political Responses
From Geração à Rasca to Que se Lixe a Troika
From Protesting Against Troika bailouts to Pro-EU Governing in Greece and Portugal
From past storylines to present moves
Fórum de Politicas Públicas
GDHRNet group meeting and an international seminar; Digital democracy: celebrating 50 years of democracy in Portugal
General Conference of the project Public Preferences and Policy Decision-Making
Global convergences and domestic divergences in citizen participation: Notes from Portugal for a counter narrative
Globally sensitive: activism and political subjectivity after the Arab Spring
Hot Summer, grey November
Housing is Health
How can we quarantine without a home? Responses of activism and urban social movements in times of COVID-19 pandemic crisis in Lisbon
How progressive social movements can save democracy in pandemic times
How young activists responded to the first wave of the Covid-19 crisis in Italy: variation across trajectories of participation
Human Resources Development in a Digital Age
Human Rights and High Protection in hospital context. Social worker's ethical procedures and dilemmas
Human Rights in the digital era
Humanization of Health Care: Social Work Contributions
I Congresso Internacional de Facultades y Escuelas de Trabajo Social
I International Congress of Social Work "Social WorK in the XXI century: challenges and opportunities "
I International Meeting of ISSOW “Work, Social Change and Economic Dynamics: Challenges for Contemporary Societies
I Jornadas "The role of the Social Worker in the interdisciplinary game"
I scientific rally "Social worker in interdisciplinarity"
II Congresso Faculdades TRabo Social Espanha
II International Congress of Social Work " Social Work: commitment for a new generation "
II International Meeting of ISSOW “Work, Professions and Organizations: Tensions, Paths and Public Policies
II Social Work International Congress - Social Work: commitment to a new generation
II conferência Representação e Participação Política na Europa em crise
III congress of Social Work CHLC in partnership with ISCTE-IUL " Knowledge and interdisciplinar practice in health"
III Congreso Internacional de Trabajo Social y XII Congreso de Facultades y Escuelas: El trabajo social en un mundo en transformación: ¿distintas realidades o nuevos relatos para la intervención?
III Congress on Social Work of CHLC
III Congresso Português de Sociologia
III Days of societal health: digital transformation & inclusion in health. Workshop "Updating and Participation in Digital Health Policies
III Fórum Internacional Serviço Social
III ISA Forum RC01 Session The New Gender Regime of the Military in a Global World
III Millennium Fascists. Casa Pound Italia and new paths of European far-right radicalism
IIº Congresso em Serviço Social
INSP Annual Meeting
INSP Annual Meeting (International Network for Social Policy)
IPPS Public Policies Award
IPPS-ISCTE Public Policies Award 2019
IPPS-ISCTE Public Policies Award 2020
IV International Congress of Social Work "Social Work and Global Agenda..."
IV Simpósio Internacional Network Science
IX National meeting of SIOT "Globalization and Competitiveness..."
Il était une fois la révolution… portugaise: à l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de la Révolution des œillets (25 avril 1974)
In Search of Efficiency? Changes and Continuities in Contemporary Public Administration
Institutions, Attitudes and political behaviours in changing times
Institutions, attitudes and political behaviour
Integrated Care PIC Individual Care Plan
International Conference Lobbying in european institutions
International Conference "Working conditions and quality of employment"
International Conference Multi-level global climate governance: the model and its present reality
International Conference Transformations of the Military profession
International Congress Women, Citizenship and Vote Right, IHC-FCSH/Nova University
International Doctoral Conference Cyle
International Network for Social Policy (INSP) Annual Meeting: Changing Family arrangements and social welfare bebefits: effects on marriage, cohabitation, and child-bearing
International Seminar - Human Rights and Citizenship; (re)thinking social intervention
Investigação em rede sobre sustentabilidade cultural
Ist Social Work International Congress - Social Work in the XXI century - Challenges and Opportunities
Iº Congresso em Serviço Social da Rede Nacional de Escolas de Serviço Social (RNESS)
Iº Workshop do Fórum Interuniversitário Forças Armadas e Sociedade
Jornadas de Ciência Política do ISCTE-IUL 2012 ? ?Dos anos quentes à consolidação da democracia? (10
LIFE – Leaning to innovate with families
La Formación en Direchos Humanos en los planes de Estudio de Trabajo Social: Una proposta internacional comparada
Les Défis de la création du doctoract de Travail Social. Quelques articulations entre des enjeux acadêmiques et profissionnels?
Longevity and Quality of Life
Meanings of Quality for Social Work Education in changing Europe
Media Coverage beyond visibility
Member of the Permanent Committee of the Cycle of Debates “Deepening Democracy” promoted by the Association 25 of April, and the Movement 12 of March.
Membro da Comissão Executiva para a Comemoração dos 60 Anos do Instituto Superior de Serviço Social
Mental talk
Michael Shapiro - How the arts think the political
Mind-blogging: the art of academic outreach
Movements - Urban Change and Political Dynamics
Movimentos - Mudança Urbana e Dinâmicas Políticas
Movimentos Sociais, Partidos e Democracia
New Technologies for Deliberative Democracy at Scale
Nikolaos Zahariadis - Megadisasters: The Greek Economic and Migration Crises and the Future of Europe
O Desenho de uma Pesquisa: testemunhos e Experiências
Offline repression and online boomerang: Evidence from protest posts in China
On the road to permissiveness? Change and convergence of moral regulation in Europe
On the road. Mobility, memory and political mobilization in Angola
Organisation in partnership with GNR of the Seminar "25 years of Social Service in GNR".
Organisation of debate sessions Social Service in Health - Palop patients evacuated for health reasons: gains and challenges
Organisation of the International Seminar "Child Protection and Welfare
Organisation of the Philia Project conference at Iscte. " The educational dimension of institutionalised young people.
Organization (with Jorge Ferreira and Filipa Raimundo) of the International Conference: Brazil Today: Social and Political Issues, ISCTE-IUL (28 October).
Organization (with Maria João Vaz and Magda Pinheiro) of the Fórum Pesquisas CIES 2016.
Organization of Academic Programme of ECPR Methods Winter and Summer Schools.
Organization of the conference "Finding Thetas in Europe - Applied Bayesian Statistics and MCMC MEthods in the Social Sciences"
Organization of the conference - The approach centered on the development of the power of action of people and communities in social interventions: some reference points. Project Philia
Organização Summer School Projeto ASTRA - 2 semanas no Iscte. Vias de transição de sustentabilidade ecológica, económica e social
Organização do Seminário: “1º Simpósio de serviço social & doenças crónicas avançadas programa do simpósio”.
Organização do programa BIP "International Social Work- "Ecological, Economics and Social Sustainability and Social Integration". Parceiros - Universidade de Ciências Aplicadas de Laurea (Finlândia) Universidade Matej Bel (Eslováquia), Universidade Católica em Ruizomberok (Eslováquia).
Organização e chair de dois painéis intitulados «Governments’ policy agenda and responsiveness in times of crisis», 2nd International Conference of Public Policies (1-4 Julho, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milão). Com Emmanouil Tsatsanis
Organização e chair do painel «The participation of Portuguese migrants in social and political inst
Os desafios da investigaç?o: experiências de pesquisa e reflexividade
Participation conditions in Brasil
Participatory governance in social movements
Performance assessment in Public Administration: discourses, practices and alternatives for the future
Political Voice. Protest, Democracy and Marginalised Groups
Political activism in Israel Palestina
Political consumerism in times of crisis and austerity. A focus on Southern European countries
Politics happen in the streets
Popular Protest, Political Opportunities, and Change in Africa
Populism and anti-populism in the age of fake news
Portugal, da Revolução à Democracia
Posters exhibition “Radical Right Parties in Europe" (feitos pel@s estudantes de 2º ano de CP, UC: Partidos Políticos e Grupos de Pressão)
Project Philia +
Proteç?o Social na Deficiência. Desafios de Política Pública
Public Policies 2012
Public Policies 2013
Public Policies 2014
Public Policies 2016
Public Policies 2017
Putting Trump in Context: Race, religion and the erosion of American democracy
RN 10 Sociology of Education ESA Mid-term International Conference
Radical left parties and national identity in Spain, Italy and Portugal
Re-thinking solidarity movements as infrastructure: insights from Athens
Reclaiming Public Spaces: Radical Alternatives To The Exclusionary Project Of Rightsizing Policies
Repeated Exposure and Protest Outcomes
Representation, judgment, ethos
Repression and counter-hegemonic protest in contemporary Spain
Research Paper Session: “Cultural and Creative Industries and Sustainable Development: Miracle or Myth?”
Research Paper Session: “Developing assessment tools for measuring culture in sustainable development: Theoretical and practical approaches”
Research Workshop of Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, "Difusão de Políticas no Brasil e em Portugal: uma agenda de pesquisa", por Denilson Bandeira Coêlho
Researching Social Movements: Methodological, Ethical, and Political Challenges
Revolutions and counter-revolutions in the MENA region
Rosso Vivo - All Reds Rugby Roma
SYMPOSIUM 6 - Research as a developmental strategy for Social Work Education in the public university/ Thursday 31 March, 6th European Conference for Social Work Research – Reflexive Social Work Practices in Contemporary Societies: Dialogues and New Pathways between Praxis and Research
Scale of Complexity and its Application in Family Health Units and in Family Units - Cycle of Debates Social Work in Health
Scientific Coordinator of the Cycle of Conferences: “1911-2011 – A Century of Republican Constitutions: Fundamental Rights and Political Representation”, promoted by the Library-Museum of the Lisbon Municipality.
Seminar "Human Rights and Citizenship..."
Seminar "Local Development and Local Authorities"
Seminar - Social Work and Justice
Seminar «What Education for Portugal?»
Seminário Internacional de Serviço Social Portugal/Brasil no Século XXI: Formação, Exercício e Organização da Categoria
Seminário avançado em Gerontologia Social
Seminário de divulgação da Operação EGO-SAS Excelência Operacional nos Serviços de Ação Social em parceria com a Universidade do Porto e Universidade do Minho.
Serviço Social & Internamentos Sociais. Formação e Políticas
Serviço Social e Sociedade
Serviço Social e Toxicodependência
Serviço Social na Contemporaneidade. Conhecimento, Coesão e Desenvolvimento
Session "Methodological challenges in the study of the military"
Simpósio de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais 2016 (SimpoRI) - Continuidades e Crises: Pensar um Internacional em Metamorfose
Simpósio temático 'Educaç?o e Profiss?o Militar: debates e perspectivas"
Simpósium Sevilha
Skills of Social Work in Palliative Care - Cycle of Debates Social Work in Health
Social Movements and Political Participation in Italy: from the phenomenon to the state of the art, ad-hoc session, IX European Sociologic Association’s
Social Service Good Practice Scale - Quality assurance for Social Work intervention in Hospital Context. Debate Cycle Social Work in Health
Social Work in Health: Intervention in Chronic Renal Failure
Social Work of/at the Enterprise
Social movements and popular politics in transitional processes
Some types of power: reading Amilcar Cabral in XX century
Specificities versus specialization of Social Work in Health
Spreading rebellion? An analysis of extinction rebellion's transnational diffusion
Starbursting more than housing
Stay Home Without a Home
Stream 26- Minimum Income Standards and Reference Budgets: national experiences
Sustainability of social intervention practices in vulnerable communities
Symposium Innovative perspectives in Social Work Education
Syndicalism in a crisis context: the new challenges for the security forces
Technology borders
The 8th annual Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) Conference - Lisbon, 2015
The Changing City - Transformations, Policies and Movements
The Decline of the Middle Classes Around the World?
The Enviroment of Democracy
The Long Sixties under Authoritarian Rules.Student Movements, Radicalization and Cultural Change at the End of Southern European Dictatorships
The Sociology of Life Course: from a dispositional interactionism
The Unfolding Story of a Wannabe Democracy: News Coverage of Street Protests in the Republic of Moldova
The Welfare State in Portugal in the Age of austerity
The form, field and order of anti-extractivist protests in Mozambique
The general strike of November 2012
The impact of austerity in Portugal
The long June
The multifaceted view of political representation between liberal and anti-liberals regimes in Europe and South America
The political impact of the European Court of Human Rights - religious movements' grassroots mobilizations
The structure of political conflict. The oligarchs and the bourgeoisie in the Chilean Congress, 1834–1894
Theorising State Violence through Movements under Siege
Time to Re-Organize. The Anti-Austerity Mobilizations in Portugal (2011-2013)
Trabajo Social Eco-sistémico y el desarrollo social sostenible
Translating Protest: Networked Diasporas and Transnational Mobilisation in Ukraine’s Euromaidan Protests
Um país e brandos costumes? Mobilização social e activismo no Portugal democrático em perspectiva comparada
VII Lusophone Congress on Human Resources Management and Public Administration
VII National meeting of SIOT "Education, Labour and Tecnology..."
VIII Semana de Relações Internacionais - Os Regionalismos e as Relações Internacionais
VIII United Nations Model of Sao Paulo "A cooperação Estado/Indivíduo: ações locais para problemas globais" Modelo de simulação das Nações Unidas realizado na cidade de Franca(Brasil) com a temática A cooperação Estado/Indivíduo: ações locais para problemas globais
Vivências da Pandemia COVID-19 em Portugal e Brasil: o bem-estar dos profissionais de saúde.
Voices from the Margins: Popular organization and political participation on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro
Vozes das Margens: Organização popular e participação política na periferia do Rio de Janeiro
Welfare and development models
What's democratic about innovations? Democratic innovations seen from below
Where does democracy live?
Winter School of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Political Economy Association
Women participation in Party Elites in PT-Brasil
Workshop The Experimental Method in Political Science, by Mathieu Turgeon (University of Brasília)
X Semana de Relações Internacionais - A Construção das Relações Internacionais no Brasil no Início do Século XXI
XII National meeting of SIOT "Citizenship and Employability..."
XIII Congres Estatal and I Iberoamericano on Social Work - Mérida (Badajoz)
XIX World Congress of Sociology
XVI National Meeting SIOT "Work, Organizações and Professions..."
Young Political elite after 1988 constitution in Brasil
Youth, digital activism and social movements in times of crisis