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- New Perspectives on Modern History
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New Perspectives on Modern History
Through the presentation of some ongoing projects, developed by Portuguese and foreign historians from various universities, specialties and generations, this cycle of seminars allows to know the current trends of research in Modern History: the topics currently more developed, the main problems in focus, the new methodologies, the sources used, the new interpretations that are being produced.
The New Perspectives in Modern History cycle has been running regularly at ISCTE-IUL since 2005, aimed especially at master's and doctoral students from the History Department, but open to all interested parties.
Website New Perspectives on Modern History
The New Perspectives in Modern History cycle has been running regularly at ISCTE-IUL since 2005, aimed especially at master's and doctoral students from the History Department, but open to all interested parties.
Website New Perspectives on Modern History

Cambios sociales y medioambientales: Reflexiones desde los Pirineos
Seminário | 14 novembro 2024

Las fronteras norte y sur de Americas. Pueblos, fuertes y poblaciones
Seminar | 17 October

Pensar a Inquisição a partir da história económica
Seminar | 7 December

Tráfico de escravos no império português
Seminar | 9 November 2023

Indigenous histories of resistance in the Philippines
Seminar | 26 October 2023

Reforma pombalina da universidade
24 November 2022 | Hybrid

Proto-globalização e mitificação da história
17 November | Hybrid

Repensar as artes e a arquitetura do reinado de D. João V
03 November 2022 | Hybrid | 18h

Custos de transação da dívida pública portuguesa, 1557-1800
20 October 2022 | Hybrid

Chile y el Atlántico durante la Unión Ibérica
6 outubro 2022 | Iscte | 18h

Pesar e medir na España Moderna
18 November 2021 | 18h | Hybrid

O negócio do tabaco no século XVIII: gestão e inovação organizacional
4 November 2021 | 18h | Online

Género y migraciones en la Edad Moderna
28 October 2021 | 18h | Iscte

O negócio da guerra no Portugal moderno
7 October 2021 | 18h | Iscte

Oceanos, Praias e Dunas uma história ambiental
03 December 2020 | 18h | Online

Expansão comercial e diplomacia, Portugal século XV
19 novembro | 18h | Webinar