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Role of desire in risky migration: a case study of Syrian refugees' secondary movement to Europe
Encontro | 7 December 2023
Integrado nos Encontros Mensais sobre Experiências Migratórias, o evento "Role of desire in risky migration: a case study of Syrian refugees' secondary movement to Europe" decorre na tarde de 7 dezembro, às 11h00 (GMT) em formato híbrido. A entrada é livre.
Iscte, Aud. Paquete Oliveira
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Leila Sunagic is currently in the final stage of her Ph.D. journey at Lund University (Sweeden). Her academic background is rooted in Arabic Studies and Social Anthropology, which provides a unique perspective for her research. The latter is focused on understanding the decision-making processes of Syrian refugees embarking on risky migrations to Europe. Using narrative methods, the research explores the often-overlooked intangible factors that influence decisions in forced migration. Beyond her academic pursuits, she has had the privilege of engaging in practical work within the development and humanitarian sector. These experiences have allowed her to directly witness the movements and realities of people on the ground and enhanced her understanding of issues that are at the center of her research interests. |
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Elizabeth Challinor é doutorada pela Universidade de Sussex (2001), investigadora no CRIA/UNL, coordenadora do Think Tank do Asylum Policy Lab (Universidade Nova de Lisboa). As suas áreas de investigação incluem: a antropológica do desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde; maternidade, antropologia médica, migrações, políticas públicas e o acolhimento de refugiados em Portugal. Atualmente, a sua investigação principal é sobre a influência da lei nas tomadas de decisão que orientam a vida de migrantes e refugiados em Portugal (2021.02343.CEECIND). |